(prompt "Where do you want install Assigner Pro? \n The installer don't make a folder")
(help "\n Hey! Maybe you must forget computers? \n\n Oh my god! I'll explain you. You are running this\n program for install Assigner Pro in the hard disk \n and you must select where do you want install it. \n IMPOSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN BETTER!!!")
(default "sys:utilities")
(prompt "Copying Assigner Pro")
(source "AssignerProE")
(dest assdest)
(prompt "Copying Assigner Pro documentation")
(source "AssignerProE.guide")
(dest assdest)
(set iconos (askchoice (prompt "Icons type to install")
(help "\n\n IT ISN'T DIFFICULT!!!, you only must select \n the icons type you use")
(message "Assigner Pro has been installed \n read guide for more information \n Tell me what do you think about the \n program and if you find any problem \n \n Write me to: \n \n Pedro Gil or Balrog/LLFB \n C/Ramón y Cajal, n22 \n CP 02500 Tobarra (Albacete) \n\n Or send me a email to: \n \n balrog@arrakis.es")